Objectives | KH 0.2 Birth by Sleep

Objectives are extra tasks that you can perform throughout KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep ~A Fragmentary Passage~. Once completed, they each reward you with Wardrobe Pieces. Each Objective is detailed below.

#ObjectiveDescriptionAvailabilityLocationWardrobe Piece

Defeat the Shadows

Defeat 30 Shadows

Defeat 30 Shadows using any means, at any location throughout the Dark World.

Encounter your first Shadow

Dark WorldFigaro

Defeat the Flutterings

Defeat 45 Flutterings

Defeat 45 Flutterings using any means, at any location throughout the Dark World.

Encounter your first Fluttering

Dark WorldCoil (Pink)

Defeat the Flame Cores

Defeat 40 Flame Cores

Defeat 40 Flame Cores using any means, at any location throughout the Dark World.

Encounter your first Flame Core

Dark WorldCyber Antennae

Defeat the Neoshadows

Defeat 30 Neoshadows

Defeat 30 Neoshadows using any means, at any location throughout the Dark World.

Encounter your first Neoshadow

Dark WorldAntennae

Defeat the Water Cores

Defeat 20 Water Cores

Defeat 20 Water Cores using any means, at any location throughout the Dark World.

Encounter your first Water Core

Dark WorldMecha (Blue)

Defeat the Earth Cores

Defeat 20 Earth Cores

Defeat 20 Earth Cores using any means, at any location throughout the Dark World.

Encounter your first Earth Core

Dark WorldClassy (Yellow)

Test of Strength I

Raise Aqua to LV 60

This will most likely be achieved simply by playing through the main story and engaging in every battle along the way.

Gain access to the Objectives Menu

Dark WorldRoyal Pauldron

Test of Strength II

Raise Aqua to LV 70

The best place to do this is in the Endless Staircase mirror after clearing the World Within. Make your way through the mirror until you come to the room of Heartless at the end. Unleash a full Shotlock on the first wave of Heartless, then quickly dispatch the rest with Thundaga spells and the Thundaja Situation Command if prompted. Each run through the mirror should earn you a little over 10,000 EXP!

Clear Objective 7

Dark WorldAstral Ornament

Test of Strength III

Raise Aqua to LV 80

The best place to do this is in the Endless Staircase mirror after clearing the World Within. Make your way through the mirror until you come to the room of Heartless at the end. Unleash a full Shotlock on the first wave of Heartless, then quickly dispatch the rest with Thundaga spells and the Thundaja Situation Command if prompted. Each run through the mirror should earn you a little over 10,000 EXP!

Clear Objective 8

Dark WorldVenus's Tiara

Master of Counters

Defeat 5 Heartless using Counter Blast

Guard against a Heartless attack and counter with the X Button 5 times.

Gain access to the Objectives Menu

Dark WorldFlawless Wings

Master of Fire

Use fire-based magic to defeat 30 Heartless

Defeat 30 Heartless using Firaga spells. The Firaja Situation Command also counts toward completing this Objective.

Gain access to Magic

Dark WorldCyber Blades

Master of Ice

Use ice-based magic to defeat 30 Heartless

Defeat 30 Heartless using Blizzaga spells. The Blizzaja Situation Command also counts toward completing this Objective.

Gain access to Magic

Dark WorldBlades

Master of Lightning

Use lightning-based magic to defeat 30 Heartless

Defeat 50 Heartless using Thundaga spells. The Thundaja Situation Command also counts toward completing this Objective.

Gain access to Magic

Dark WorldMystic Pauldron

Frozen Rail Raid

Use ice-based magic to create a rail, then ride the rail a long distance.

The best place to do this is in Castle Town. Start in the courtyard right next to the bridge that leads to the castle. Aim yourself toward the cobblestone hill that leads up to the fountain, and cast a Blizzaga spell. Then ride the rail all the way to the fountain.

Gain access to Magic

Dark WorldFlawless Arm Guards

Ice Breaker

Freeze at least 5 Heartless and shatter 5 of them.

To do this, you'll need to use Blizzaga magic to freeze 5 Heartless all at once, and then attack them with a single strike to shatter the ice all at once. The best way to do this is to locate a group of at least 5 Shadows. Try your best to lure them into a cluster, then use the Blizzaga spell to freeze them. Then, while they're frozen, use Thundaga magic to easily shatter all 5 at once.

Gain access to Magic

Dark WorldGrace (Purple)

Magic Advantage

Some Heartless are weak to certain types of magic. Use the right type to hit an enemy for extra damage.

The easiest way to do this is to use Blizzaga magic on a Flame Core.

Gain access to Magic

Dark WorldVoltaic Arm Plate

Fight and Flight

Defeat 5 Heartless while in midair.

Any time you defeat a Heartless by any means, as long as Aqua is not touching the ground, it will count toward completing this Objective.

Acquire the Doubleflight ability

Dark WorldRadiant Ornament

Excellent Aim

Earn an Excellent rating 6 times in a row using Shotlock.

To do this, you'll need to execute two perfect Shotlocks, getting 3 Excellent ratings in each. This one simply takes practice, though there is a method that makes it a little easier. Save in between each Shotlock, making it so you only have to execute 3 Excellent ratings in a row instead of all 6. After completing the first perfect Shotlock, save your game file before going for the second. If you fail, you can reload your game from the Save File and try again.

Acquire the Shotlock ability

Dark WorldDiamond (White)

Stylish Moves

Use a Style Change to defeat 50 Heartless.

Use the Spellweaver Situation Command to defeat 50 Heartless.

Acquire the Spellweaver ability

Dark WorldDiamond (Green)

A Fine Finish

Activate Spellweaver's Finish Command.

Initiate Spellweaver's Finish Command at least once during your playthrough.

Acquire the Spellweaver ability

Dark WorldClassy (Blue)

Wardrobe Weaver

Equip an item in all wardrobe slots, then activate Spellweaver's Finish Command.

To do this, you need to initiate Spellweaver's Finish Command while simultaneously wearing a Head, Arm, Back, and Pattern Wardrobe Piece.

Acquire the Spellweaver ability

Dark WorldRibbons


Equip an item in a wardrobe slot.

Simply place any Wardrobe Piece in any of the 4 wardrobe slots and exit the Pause Menu.

Acquire your first Wardrobe Piece

Dark WorldMecha (Pink)

Streetlamp Striker

Hit 20 streetlamps.

Hit 20 streetlamps with the Attack Command.

Enter Castle Town for the first time

Castle TownGrace (Blue)

Top of the Town

Climb to the highest point.

Enter Castle Town for the first time

Castle TownWings

Starlit Wish

Watch for a meteor shower.

Enter Castle Town for the first time

Castle TownArm Guards

Heartless That Dwell

Defeat all the Heartless in the room.

Defeat all of the Heartless in the 3rd mirror to the right of the Save Point.

Enter The World Within for the first time

The World WithinMecha (Yellow)

Mystery Within

Solve the mystery of the World Within and win the battle.

The alter to the left of the Save Point leads to a room with four lamp posts. Attack all of the lamp posts to make the room pitch black and Heartless will appear. Defeat all of the Heartless to complete the Objective.

Enter The World Within for the first time

The World WithinStitching

Treasure Within

Uncover the mystery of the World Within and obtain a special item.

See The World Within Treasure Chest 3/13 for details.

Enter The World Within for the first time

The World WithinArm Plate

Gem Gatherer

Find the brightest of jewels in the mines where the Seven Dwarfs work.

Step 1: The first gem can be found right next to the first mirror in the Mines.

Step 2: The second gem can be found next to the second mirror, on top of a pile of barrels.

Step 3: In the second mirror, wait until the platform is as far down as it can be before examining the mirror. The third gem will be reachable when the platform appears outside the mirror.

Step 4: Break a pile of crates near the third mirror to reveal the fourth gem.

Step 5: From the third mirror, jump across the platforms to the large, open platform. Break a stack of barrels and crates to your left to reveal the fifth gem.

Step 6: You'll find the sixth gem on the same platform as the fifth, embedded in one of the rocks near a pillar with a torch on it.

Step 7: The seventh and final gem is located near the fourth mirror that activates the spinning ramp. You can see it floating out in space opposite the platform where you can find The World Within Treasure Chest 7/13. Examine the mirror when the ramp is facing the floating gem, and the gem will become embedded in the ground of the ramp. You can then walk up and reach it.

Enter the Mine for the first time

The World WithinMarie


Discover the secret in the mirror tied to the mysterious rocks.

In the Mines, examine the third mirror at the right time to line up the glowing dots on the two platforms and form a wayfinder. This may take several tries to get the positioning just right.

Approach the 3rd mirror within the Mine

The World WithinLace (Crystal)

Queen of the Rink

Perform a spin during the fight with the Phantom Aqua.

Execute Spellweaver's Finish Command during any of the fights against Phantom Aqua (including the one in the Secret Boss Rush).

Defeat Phantom Aqua for the first time

The World WithinRoyal Tiara

Defeat the Darksides

Defeat 3 Darksides that stand in Aqua's Way.

There are 3 Darksides that appear along the path leading from the Rocky Path Save Point. Defeat all of them to complete this Objective.

Walk up the path from the Forest of Thorns: Rocky Path Save Point

Forest of ThornsDiamond (Blue)

Prickly Problems

Destroy 50 ivy branches. Some require magic to be destroyed.

Destroy 50 of the thorn branches throughout the Forest of Thorns. The black thorns can be destroyed using any means, but the red thorns must be destroyed with Firaga magic.

Enter the Forest of Thorns for the first time

Forest of ThornsCoil (White)

Fairy Bouquet

Find flowers that represent Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.

The first flower you'll find is the green flower belonging to Fauna. You'll find it in the same area where Forest of Thorns Treasure Chest 12/12 can be found.

The next flower you'll come across is the blue flower belonging to Merryweather. You'll find it in a small pool directly behind the second Darkside.

The last flower you'll find is the red flower belonging to Flora. You'll find it very close to where you found Forest of Thorns Treasure Chest 9/12.

Enter the Forest of Thorns for the first time

Forest of ThornsMinnie Ears (Blue Bow)

Work Together with King Mickey

Link with King Mickey 5 times.

Perform the Wayfinder Situation Command 5 times.

Mickey joins the Party

Depths of DarknessMinnie Ears (Red Bow)

Turn the Tide

Defeat the Demon Tower with Spellweaver's Finish Command.

This can be difficult to time, and you only get one shot at it (or else you'll have to start a brand new file to face the Demon Tower again). If it doesn't look like the Finish Command will finish it off, we recommend letting the Demon Tower beat you and selecting the Retry option. Do this as many times as you need to finish it off with Spellweaver's Finish Command.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Castle TownCheshire Cat

Treasure Hunt in the Castle Town

Open all of the Treasure Chests.

Use our Treasure Chests page to locate all of the Treasure Chests in Castle Town.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Castle TownCoil (Yellow)

Lingering Memories in the Castle Town

Locate lingering memories.

On one of the rooftops in the central town, there is a tower with a symbol of Cinderella's glass slipper on it. Examine the symbol to complete the Objective.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Castle TownPulse Blades

Treasure Hunt in the World Within

Open all of the Treasure Chests.

Use our Treasure Chests page to locate all of the Treasure Chests in The World Within.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

The World WithinMinnie Ears (White)

Lingering Memories in the World Within

Find lingering memories.

On top of the pillar directly in front of the second alter to the left of the Save Point, there is a symbol of an apple. Examine the symbol to complete the Objective.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

The World WithinWarrior's Arm Plate

Flawless Victory

Defeat the third Phantom Aqua without taking damage.

This is incredibly difficult to do, but we recommend you try this in Beginner Mode to make it easier (granted, only slightly). During the fight, rely mostly on using the Block-Counter ability to avoid taking hits and deal minor damage when you can. Committing to a full Shotlock can be hard to pull off, as Phantom Aqua warps around a lot, but if you can manage, it can quickly take down a massive portion of her HP. Use the Doubleflight and Air Slide abilities (timed just right) to completely avoid her Spellweaver Finish attack.

If you take damage at any point, just let Phantom Aqua defeat you and use the Retry option to try again.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

The World WithinLustrous Wings

In the Mirror

Enter the mirror that appears in the middle of the 12 zodiac symbols and win all battles.

Completing this Objective comes in two phases. The first is to complete Objective 43.

After doing that, you can enter the mirror and take on the Secret Boss Rush (though we recommend waiting until you are at least level 70).

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

The World WithinTiara

Quest for the Zodiac

Find and restore the light of the 12 zodiac symbols.

Technically, this Objective takes place all over the Dark World, but the final result takes place in the World Within, so that's why its location is listed as such. To complete this Objective, you'll need to locate all 12 Zodiac Relics. Use our Treasure Chests page to help you find them all.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

The World WithinPauldron

Treasure Hunt in the Forest of Thorns

Open all of the Treasure Chests.

Use our Treasure Chests page to locate all of the Treasure Chests in the Forest of Thorns.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Forest of ThornsClassy (White)

Lingering Memories in the Forest of Thorns

Find lingering memories.

In the center of the same room where you fought the third Darkside and found Forest of Thorns Treasure Chest 7/12, you'll find the symbol of a spinning wheel on the ground. Examine the symbol to complete the Objective.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Forest of ThornsPulse Antennae

Slide Along the Ivy Rails

Use Rail Slide to dodge the Darksides' attacks without taking damage.

During the section where you're sliding on the ivy rails and all of the Darksides are attacking the rail, you'll need to jump at the right times to avoid taking damage. The only one you really need to watch out for is the very last attack, in which two Darksides strike back to back. To dodge this part completely, jump when the first Darkside strikes, and hit the Square Button in midair to perform a Guard. This will keep you still in the air long enough for the second Darkside to strike and then move out of the way.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Forest of ThornsLustrous Arm Guards

Keeper of the Orb

Defeat the Darkside supporting the dark orb without taking any damage.

This is another very difficult Objective to complete, though playing in Beginner Mode makes it much easier. The first thing to understand is that you can take no damage whatsoever, even in the part where Aqua must traverse the long, winding road leading up to Darkside. You cannot get hit by any of the falling spike orbs during this segment, or at any point during the actual battle.

Once you make it to the battle itself, hugging the outer edge of the arena will help with dodging any of the falling spike orbs, as they mostly fall in the middle. Be sure to jump when Darkside punches the ground to avoid the shockwave, and use Thundaga magic to quickly defeat any of the Shadows he summons (you can't be hit by them either).

The last major thing to watch out for is the lasers, which move much slower in Beginner Mode (which is why we recommend it for completing this Objective). Use the Cartwheel to avoid taking hits.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Forest of ThornsLace (Floral)

Treasure Hunt in the Depths of Darkness

Open all of the Treasure Chests.

Use our Treasure Chests page to locate all of the Treasure Chests in the Depths of Darkness.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Depths of DarknessGrace (Pink)

Lingering Memories in the Depths of Darkness

Find lingering memories.

From the Save Point, make your way up the main path until you see a hole in the ground on your right that you can jump down. Go through the hole and drop straight down to find the symbol of a heart on one of the rock faces that form the steps back up. Examine the symbol to complete the Objective.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Depths of DarknessIron Ornament

Combined Strength

Link with King Mickey to defeat the Demon Tower.

Use Wayfinder's Finish Command to defeat the Demon Tower. If it doesn't look like you'll be able to time it correctly, let the Demon Tower defeat you and use the Retry option.

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Depths of DarknessPolka Dots

Critical Conquest

Defeat the Demon Tide on Critical Mode.

This is hands down, the hardest Objective to complete in the entire game! The Demon Tide is a million times more powerful and relentless on Critical Mode, and you don't have the high HP or MP to compensate. Its attacks are no longer avoidable, and instead must be blocked by a series of perfectly-timed Guards. Not to mention, any and all of its attacks during Phase 2 can instantly take out Aqua's entire HP Gauge!

The trick is to deal as much damage as possible during Phase 1 of the fight, and save your Shotlock for Phase 2. Drag out the timer on the Wayfinder Situation Command as long as you can, only triggering the Finish Command at the last possible second to maximize on the Demon Tide being trapped. The second Phase 2 starts, power up a full Shotlock and be as perfect with the timing as you can to unleash as much damage as possible. Quickly use either an Elixir or Megalixir to restore your Focus Gauge and unleash another full Shotlock, which should be enough (hopefully) to take out its remaining HP before its worst attack!

Start a New Game file on top of a file with Clear Data

Destiny IslandsCriss-Cross